Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Female Designer of Apparel For Men ?!

You heard right duuuuuuuuders !!! This local clothing company is headed by the lovely Sher Sher, and it's called Funkey Flash Back Clothing. Try and say that shit three times fast !!! Ha ha, it's crazyyyyyyy ! She is beeeyond chill to just converse with. Nothing like those other local shits that don't want to know you. She goes out of her way and ask us men what colors we wear during certain Seasons. The clothing is cheap, but the whole saying, "You get what you pay for" is NOT the case with this line !!!!!!!!!! YOU NEED TO GO TO THEIR WEBSITE RIGHT ABOUT NOW ! Follow them on Twitter aswell :@FunkeyFlashBack . That's all (:

1 comment:

  1. Real dope write up Lou! We appreciate you very much. Big shoutout and thank you from FFB
